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    Practical Design Ideas

    Our Practical Design blogs are filled with great advice on the topics design professionals and project managers want to know more about. We like to think we have struck the perfect balance between design inspiration and practical tips – why not see for yourself.

    Understanding best practice for LRV contrast

    October, 2017

    Equality laws on building access require that you understand the importance of Light Reflective Value (LRV) and apply this knowledge to workplace interior design. This article provides guidance…

    vinyl flooring light with sunlight

    Is design more important than office location?

    October, 2017

    Location is often a top priority for companies looking to move or set up new offices. However, compromising on location can leave money for a…

    Specifying commercial flooring materials that are DDA compliant

    September, 2017

    When considering the implication of the Disability Discrimination Act and the Equality Act regarding commercial flooring you need to be fully aware of the importance…

    What is the best type of flooring for a modern office space?

    August, 2017

    Vinyl, laminate, hardwood, rubber or ceramic tiles? We take a look at the ideal commercial flooring option for your office space. This means considering, service…

    Practical office design for productivity and aesthetics

    August, 2017

    How can practical office design affect employees' productivity? We take a look at the role lighting and decor play in getting things done. When employees'…

    green tiles matching pod

    Four types of space that support creativity and innovation in business

    August, 2017

    For when four walls and laminate flooring just won't quite cut it, here are four types of space that should help foster creativity and innovation…

    How to assess the risk of flooring in your workplace

    August, 2017

    Flooring Risk Assessment   Ensuring that your workplace is safe for employees and visitors is a legal requirement. You are required to carry out a risk…