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    Benefits of an office fit-out

    March, 2022

    The benefits of an office fit-out on wellbeing


    We explore the benefits of an office fit-out from a wellbeing and productivity perspective, as well as providing helpful hints on how those involved keep their own wellbeing optimal!

    The UK Workplace Survey previously reported that over 8 million UK employees are negatively affected by poorly designed workplaces. An outdated design, or one that makes workers feel enclosed, directly affects performance and morale. With the 2020 survey talking about 2/3 wanting a hybrid of working from home and in the office, the office needs to meet even higher standards to promote wellbeing and encourage staff to be present.

    Likewise, according to Forbes, “research shows how workplace design positively influences health, wellbeing, employee satisfaction, and performance.” Undoubtedly, a good fit-out is an invaluable asset to the workplace.

    A well-thought-out design not only gives a good first impression to prospects and is a welcoming environment to clients, but it also affects staff productivity and mood. Before making any decisions, here are a few things to consider, and how these affect the workplace:

    1. Invigorating common areas
    Common areas should make a statement about the company but also provide comfort. Areas like the reception desk, as well as others that are open to the public like coffee shops and atriums, should be inviting, with comfortable waiting rooms and engaging spaces with interesting details. Encouraging investment in designed lighting or striking artwork can make the space feel more alive and make a good first impression.

    2. Design that reflects the brand’s identity
    The workplace should also highlight the brand’s identity. Consider adding subtle details that reflect the company’s values and bring more cohesiveness and originality to the space; think consistent colour schemes for commercial carpets, as well as logos on glass partitions.

    3. Incorporate wellness and nature
    Functionality is important, but the space should also feel nurturing and restorative. Diversity of settings allows people to move around between private and public areas. Increasing the number of open spaces also encourages well-being, safety, and flexibility. Include glass fronts in office and conference rooms and consider designs that invoke nature such as biomorphic forms in materials, textures, and artwork. These subtle details allow the different rooms to “breathe” and feel more integrated with the overall space.

    4. Be environmentally conscious
    The workplace can benefit from more natural lighting, which cuts the cost of overhead lighting consumption. Likewise, consider installing solar panels for clean energy and avoid waste by recommending the use of more cloud technologies.

    All the above factors should make a big difference to an office environment. Wellbeing and practicality can be harmonised whilst making smart design decisions, which are reflected in a more pleasant atmosphere in the workplace.

    The office fit-out – it is not all plain sailing


    Any commercial interior design project that requires collaboration between several groups of people is likely to experience some roadblocks along the way. No project plan is foolproof, but there are some steps that can be taken to ensure minimal problems.

    When it comes to the benefits of office fit-outs on wellbeing it is important to consider implementation as much as end results. A few tips are:

    1. Make a Plan
    The best way to prepare for inevitable issues is to establish a detailed plan early on. This should encompass every aspect of the fit-out process. This added structure also provides opportunities for clear boundaries to be delineated. Sitting down to draw out this plan will also offer further chances for interfacing between the contractor, designer and client, helping smooth over communication in the long run.

    2. Ensure open communication
    Perhaps the most pertinent consideration in any fit-out project is constant and effective communication between all parties involved. This dictates the quality of all other aspects of the process by ensuring that open discussion about the project is encouraged. Good communication also ensures a better working relationship over the course of the fit-out.

    Regardless of all the steps taken to prevent issues, there will inevitably be hiccups. In the event of an actual clashing or untenable change of plans, one skill that is invaluable is conflict management. This aspect of the fit-out project is further eased by utilising clear channels of communication established early on in the timeline.

    At Duraflor we make it our responsibility to give you the best possible service, having stock ready for delivery to site at the precise point that you need it. So when it comes to getting a office fit-out project completed on time there is one less consideration to think about – contact us now using our enquiry form, email us at [email protected] or call 01592 630 030 – we are here to help.

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