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    Practical Design Ideas

    Our Practical Design blogs are filled with great advice on the topics design professionals and project managers want to know more about. We like to think we have struck the perfect balance between design inspiration and practical tips – why not see for yourself.

    Casual area office furniture

    Preparing for the office furniture trends of 2019

    January, 2019

    The office space is ever-evolving, and modern office furniture design must move with the times. Traditional office desks and chairs are always going to be…

    Trello Project Management Screen Shot

    Project management tools to help you redesign a workspace

    January, 2019

    Many a project management task is made easier with project management tools. This is just as true for redesigning a workspace, as it is for…

    Using entrance matting for protection for office flooring

    How to protect your floor

    December, 2018

    Protecting your office flooring is important for health and safety as well as maintaining the professional look of your office over time. Here are three…

    Office trend - Momenta Argento in an open plan activity based work environment

    5 office design trends for 2019

    December, 2018

    In 2019, new office design trends will focus on providing a more flexible, natural look that will enhance the well-being of employees to make them…

    LVT vs VCT in office environment

    Choosing between LVT or VCT

    November, 2018

    In this article, we'll take a look at the differences between LVT and VCT flooring, and how to make the right choice based on the…

    Future of office design - Duraflor Aspect carpet tiles

    The future of office design

    November, 2018

    The future of office design will be full of variety and quick progression, as organisations aim at creating accommodative environments. Therefore, offices and business establishments…

    Activity based workplace

    Planning an activity based workplace layout

    November, 2018

    Ripping out your existing open plan office layout and creating a new activity based workplace may be surprisingly easier than you imagined. Our useful tips…

    Commercial flooring maintenance

    5 reasons you should schedule maintenance for your commercial flooring

    November, 2018

    Even the best commercial flooring solutions won't get you the best results if you don't maintain them properly. Consider developing a scheduled maintenance programme to…