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    Practical Design Ideas

    Our Practical Design blogs are filled with great advice on the topics design professionals and project managers want to know more about. We like to think we have struck the perfect balance between design inspiration and practical tips – why not see for yourself.

    Momenta herringbone Ebony Oak vinyl flooring

    The outlook for the vinyl flooring industry

    October, 2018

    An analysis of the recent Future Market Insights forecast for the commercial flooring industry, focusing on the predicted growth and technological advancement of vinyl flooring.…

    Office space solutions - neighbourhood choice environments

    Beyond ABW: Neighbourhood Based Choice Environments (NCE)

    October, 2018

    Many businesses have switched from traditional office design solutions to 'Activity Based Workplaces' (ABW). In recent years, this idea has morphed into 'Neighbourhood Based Choice…

    Redoing commercial flooring in winter

    Why winter is the best time to get your commercial flooring redone

    October, 2018

    Sorting out your commercial flooring now can have a huge number of benefits, which you probably didn’t even consider. With the nights starting to draw…

    Vinyl tiles vs carpet tiles

    The great office flooring debate: vinyl tiles vs carpet tiles

    October, 2018

    Looking to refresh your commercial flooring? We help with the age old consideration vinyl tiles vs carpet tiles. Vinyl tiles or carpet tiles can be…

    Hexagon carpet tiles in office

    Why Duraflor’s new Hexxtile range is causing a stir

    September, 2018

    Our new Hexxtile range is becoming increasingly popular, and it’s not difficult to see why. In this article, we discuss some of the benefits that…

    Using colour as a way finding tool

    Utilising colour as a wayfinding tool in your office

    September, 2018

    One of the most innovative aspects of modern design is that of the concept of wayfinding. This is a process by which designers can guide…

    Entrance and barrier matting

    Entrance Matting: What makes it a Popular Commercial Flooring Option?

    September, 2018

    Many think of entrance matting from an aesthetic perspective. However, it is worth mentioning that aspects such as safety, maintenance cost, the durability of the…

    Good office design can increase productivity

    Common office and commercial flooring mistakes

    September, 2018

    In this article we discuss the most common office and commercial flooring mistakes, and what you can do to avoid these, helping you to get…