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    Practical Design Ideas

    Our Practical Design blogs are filled with great advice on the topics design professionals and project managers want to know more about. We like to think we have struck the perfect balance between design inspiration and practical tips – why not see for yourself.

    Workplace wellbeing

    Wellbeing and office design

    April, 2018

    Some of the features included within offices designed for wellbeing include choices for working in different zones and areas, biophilic, natural designs, and strategic use…

    Green space in workplace environment

    Bringing the outside in to create the best environment

    April, 2018

    Green spaces in the office can be a wonderful addition to make a business property more welcoming, more relaxing and more conducive to effective work.…

    Image of office with industrial materials - lighting and exposed pipes

    Four ways to use industrial materials in office design

    March, 2018

    Industrial materials have never been more stylish when it comes to workplace decor. If you're considering adding an industrial feel to your workplace, these suggestions will…

    Aspect Rockface carpet tiles in green office environment

    Design strategies for going green

    March, 2018

    Why go green? If you want to improve the productivity and quality of your workplace, here are some ways design can make an impact. We…

    Using commercial flooring for feng shui

    How to use flooring to improve your office feng shui

    March, 2018

    Want to know how to improve the energy in your office? Then follow our top feng shui tips to create a space that will get…

    Freedom Pavement carpet tiles - on trend for offices

    The problem with commercial flooring trends

    February, 2018

    Companies often fight to be as 'current' as possible in order to appeal to clients and create an on-trend environment for their staff. When seeking a design…

    Progression Black Ice with Bright Ideas Ultra Sound carpet tiles

    Are you in a reflective office – or nice and quiet

    February, 2018

    Distracting noise from conversations, feet and furniture can all make for an unproductive environment. But there are ways to avoid putting your foot in it…

    Inspiring design for reception area

    Inspired design for an inspiring reception

    February, 2018

    Your reception area is the first thing visitors and potential clients see, in this blog we look at how flooring design can help make that…