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    Practical Design Ideas

    Our Practical Design blogs are filled with great advice on the topics design professionals and project managers want to know more about. We like to think we have struck the perfect balance between design inspiration and practical tips – why not see for yourself.

    Momenta Rusticana - commercial flooring in office

    Ways to get more natural light in the office

    March, 2019

    Improve natural light getting into your office design with these simple changes. Everything from building designs to how furniture is arranged is covered. Natural lighting…

    Axis natural looking wood flooring, lots of natural light

    4 ways to improve office productivity

    March, 2019

    There are many options for improving staff and overall office productivity. You can improve business processes so they are more efficient, offer meaningful rewards for…

    Colourful Carpet Bright Ideas

    2019 Colour Trends and how it transforms an office

    March, 2019

    The impact of colour on your office is far greater than you might have imagined. We look at key colour trends in 2019 and how…

    good office design with legal and environmental considerations

    Why good office design matters to businesses

    March, 2019

    The saying goes that “you can’t judge a book by its cover”. However, your office design will be judged by staff, clients and suppliers.  If…

    Combination carpet tile and vinyl flooring

    Important factors to consider when selecting commercial flooring

    February, 2019

    Commercial flooring has a significant impact on the functionality and the level of comfort of an office. While longevity is always a consideration when deciding…

    man standing at a laptop

    Standing in the office – the health benefits

    February, 2019

    We discuss the health benefits of standing in the office. Modern office working can bring benefits, but also health risks. More periods of standing can…

    Inspecting the yarn of a carpet tile

    How to choose the right carpet tile

    February, 2019

    Interior designers and end users have a range of criteria that will inform their choices when exploring carpet tile solutions for a space. Factors like…

    natural environment lighting and plants

    Bringing nature into the workplace enhances productivity

    February, 2019

    We consider some of the less expensive options and benefits of bringing natural materials, plants, lighting and nature-inspired patterns into the working environment, when it…