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    Practical Design Ideas

    Our Practical Design blogs are filled with great advice on the topics design professionals and project managers want to know more about. We like to think we have struck the perfect balance between design inspiration and practical tips – why not see for yourself.

    Combination carpet tile and vinyl flooring

    Design to reduce stress post Covid-19

    July, 2020

    Design considerations to reduce stress   While in the past you may have found creating a stress-free environment simple and straightforward, the COVID-19 pandemic has…

    remote office, home office - woman in her home office environment

    Creating a remote office

    May, 2020

    Creating a remote office for the long-term The government-imposed lockdown is preventing many of us from heading to work right now but could also be…

    Hand and wipe - cleaning desk

    The future of office design in a post-Covid-19 UK

    May, 2020

    Post Covid-19 Office Design Ideas   COVID-19 will undoubtedly have a long-term impact. Even if we manage to successfully irradicate the virus around the globe,…

    Axis flooring in kitchen area where there needs to be a focus on hygiene

    Health and wellbeing hygiene in office design

    May, 2020

    Health and wellbeing hygiene in office design is likely to take a new direction   In a recent survey, 87% of workers said they would…

    Man working remotely two computer screens

    Communicating with teams and clients during lock-down

    April, 2020

    Remote working and communication   Struggling with remote working communication during lockdown? We have looked at some of the key advice out there. Enforced remote…

    Man out file on sustainable office policy

    Sustainable Office Design

    April, 2020

    How to create a sustainable office In a week that saw National Earth Day and as we all focus on the impact that human action…

    Deep Clean sanitiser on carpet tiles in office

    Focus on clean floors Covid-19

    April, 2020

    Antibacterial flooring the new focus   Commercial flooring that resists dirt and pathogens and that’s easy to clean could be one of the new purchasing…

    Interior Designer working from home

    Interior designers working from home

    April, 2020

      Practical Tips for Interior Designers working from home   If you're a designer who has suddenly found themselves working from home, the tips below…