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    Practical Design Ideas

    Our Practical Design blogs are filled with great advice on the topics design professionals and project managers want to know more about. We like to think we have struck the perfect balance between design inspiration and practical tips – why not see for yourself.

    Inspecting the yarn of a carpet tile

    How to choose the right carpet tile

    February, 2019

    Interior designers and end users have a range of criteria that will inform their choices when exploring carpet tile solutions for a space. Factors like…

    natural environment lighting and plants

    Bringing nature into the workplace enhances productivity

    February, 2019

    We consider some of the less expensive options and benefits of bringing natural materials, plants, lighting and nature-inspired patterns into the working environment, when it…

    Dog resting on office floor

    5 unique ways to improve productivity in your office

    January, 2019

    Designing an office involves multiple considerations. You need to ensure that it is functional, welcoming and offers maximum productivity. Here are some unique ways to…

    raised access floor installation image

    Why use a raised access floor

    January, 2019

    Renovating your office space? This could be a great time to consider opting for a raised access floor if you haven't before. Experience a tidier…

    Colour paint pots

    Office design colours for employee well-being and productivity

    January, 2019

    What office design colours are good for your employees' well-being and productivity? This article explores the best colours to use on the floors and walls…

    Freedom Storm using antron yarn

    Why we use antron® yarn

    January, 2019

    Why have we used antron® 6.6 yarn in our Freedom Collection? It’s because we know that carpets made using this quality material are especially durable…

    Concrete floor and wall

    Flooring definitions used in the commercial flooring industry

    January, 2019

    This article looks at some of the flooring definitions often banded around in the construction industry. Definition of terms A floor basically represents the lower…

    Playful design image pool table and Duraflor Axis on floor

    Could playful design deliver a positive ROI in the workplace?

    January, 2019

    This article examines the evidence that introducing a "playful" environment in the traditional workplace can result in more productive employees, reduced absenteeism and increased employee…