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    Practical Design Ideas

    Our Practical Design blogs are filled with great advice on the topics design professionals and project managers want to know more about. We like to think we have struck the perfect balance between design inspiration and practical tips – why not see for yourself.

    Blizzard Waterfall

    Dark or light flooring

    July, 2023

    Dark or Light Flooring in Commercial Spaces   There is no one-size-fits-all rule of thumb for the size of the floor or the recommended colour…

    Salesman shows customer samples

    Our 5-Part Plan To Help Flooring Contractors

    April, 2023

      At Duraflor, we are keen to help our flooring contractor clients provide their customers with the tools they need to promote their services. We…

    3 builders stood beneath a crane.

    The Key Trends in the Construction Industry

    April, 2023

      The direction of construction trends for 2023   The key trends in the construction industry for 2023 are not new, but they are growing…

    Green Freedom Storm II in a boardroom and plants

    Sustainability in office design

    November, 2022

    A significant focus on sustainability in office design   One of the most significant trends for office design in 2022 is an increased focus on…

    Greenery within an office setting

    Office design and layouts 2022

    October, 2022

      What office design and layout trends will remain   As people return to the office following the pandemic, it's more important than ever that…

    Reception area with TV Espressa on floor

    Value Adding in Construction

    July, 2022

    The concept of value adding in construction   Adding value is important in many industries because it ensures that selling assets will gain you a…

    An office design plan that includes zoning

    Considering neurodiversity in office design

    June, 2022

    Neurodiverse environments   While neurodiversity is not a new idea in the workplace, not all businesses have supported it in the past, but that is…

    Construction site with floor being laid

    Making a construction site safe

    June, 2022

    Working in the construction industry has historically been considered one of the most dangerous jobs. In 2019, the HSE released a report saying that the…