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    Practical Design Ideas

    Our Practical Design blogs are filled with great advice on the topics design professionals and project managers want to know more about. We like to think we have struck the perfect balance between design inspiration and practical tips – why not see for yourself.

    Choosing an office colour blue office contrasts with grey

    Choosing an office colour scheme for employees and clients

    December, 2019

    Four tips on choosing an office colour scheme   Here are four tips on how to choose an office colour scheme and commercial flooring to…

    Changing office design greys with pop of colour

    Changes in commercial office design

    December, 2019

    Millennials driving changes in commercial office design   It's true to say that commercial layouts have changed beyond all recognition in the past few years,…

    good office design with legal and environmental considerations

    Legal and environmental considerations for flooring

    November, 2019

    Legal and environmental considerations for commercial flooring choices.   We look at those all important legal and environmental considerations for commercial flooring decisions, some are…

    Natural looking wood floor in restaurant setting

    Design ideas for hotel interiors

    November, 2019

      We consider flooring and a few more design ideas for hotel interiors   We know how to create that all important 'guest experience' is…

    Flooring for heavy traffic rooms

    The best flooring for high-traffic areas

    November, 2019

      The possibilities when choosing the best flooring for high-traffic areas Choosing a flooring for high-traffic areas is relatively easy, considering the array of commercial…

    Break area industrial and resimercial combined

    Wellbeing continues to drive the resimercial office

    November, 2019

      Employee wellbeing is continuing to drive a big trend in office design, the resimercial office.   Whilst productivity has long been the driving force…

    Biomimicry - image of natural terrain flooring with plateau from window

    Biomimicry in office design

    November, 2019

    What is behind biomimicry in office design   Biomimicry has been a design approach used in workplaces since the late 1990s, though its origins lie…

    Hexxtile Floor flooring to boost morale

    A vibrant floorspace can increase morale

    November, 2019

    How a vibrant floorspace can increase team morale   Interior design is a great way to subconsciously influence people's frame of mind at work. One…