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    Practical Design Ideas

    Our Practical Design blogs are filled with great advice on the topics design professionals and project managers want to know more about. We like to think we have struck the perfect balance between design inspiration and practical tips – why not see for yourself.

    outside construction site

    Construction site safety considerations for commercial designers

    November, 2020

    A guide to on-site construction safety considerations for interior commercial designers   As anyone who works in commercial interior design will know, construction sites can…

    Momenta Herringbone White Sparkle

    What are the benefits of vinyl flooring?

    November, 2020

    The many benefits of vinyl flooring   Flooring affects the overall look of the office, as well as its accessibility and usability. A lot of…

    Office Fit Out Hexxtiles

    Office Fit-Out Insights for End Users

    October, 2020

    Planning an Office Fit-Out   Obviously as an 'end-user organisation' finding a great fit-out company is important when planning any office fit-out. However, in addition…

    Cienna Range

    Commercial office kitchen flooring

    September, 2020

    Commercial Office Kitchen Flooring - Key Considerations   With any kitchen flooring there are 3 main considerations hygiene, durability and anti-slip properties. With a commercial…

    Freedom Storm and Pavement Waterfall Carpet Tiles

    Creating a post Covid-19 collaborative workspace

    September, 2020

      Collaborative Workspaces and Covid-19   Designers are facing unprecedented challenges due to COVID-19 restrictions. One challenge is creating a collaborative workspace that is suitable…

    Aspect Carpet Tiles and Biophilic Design

    How Covid-19 has affected Biophilic Designs

    August, 2020

      How Covid-19 has affected Biophilic Design - we look to the future   In this blog post, we look at how COVID-19 has affected…

    Design Ideas for the 2020 office - board table with protection pods

    Interior Design Ideas for the 2020 Office

    August, 2020

      Design Ideas for the 2020 Office - Covid-19 Considerations   Interior designers need to balance style with practicality, creating an inviting space which employees…

    Office with partitioning part of a flexible office set up

    Creating a flexible workspace

    August, 2020

    The practicalities of creating a flexible workspace.   Creating a flexible workspace is a practical and cost-effective decision for any business to make, with that…