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    Practical Design Ideas

    Our Practical Design blogs are filled with great advice on the topics design professionals and project managers want to know more about. We like to think we have struck the perfect balance between design inspiration and practical tips – why not see for yourself.

    Vinyl flooring helping the flow of an office

    4 ways to use flooring to make your office space flow better

    September, 2019

    Use flooring to maximise the flow of your office space.   Whether your office space is large or small, it will always make a better…

    Momenta vinyl tiles with added colour - ideal commercial flooring choices

    Why commercial flooring choices matter

    August, 2019

    Help in making the right commercial flooring choices   This article looks at the reasons why you need to carefully consider your commercial flooring choices…

    Vinyl flooring

    Cleaning Vinyl Flooring – tips and tricks

    August, 2019

    A guide to cleaning vinyl flooring   A key benefit of vinyl flooring is its ease of maintenance, but the benefits of this can only…

    Different pattern of vinyl tiles on floor advantages of vinyl for commercial spaces

    Why vinyl flooring for commercial spaces

    August, 2019

    The advantage of vinyl flooring in commercial spaces   This article looks at vinyl flooring, considers all of its advantages and shows how effective it…

    Escarpment black carpet tile example

    Carpet Tiles – back to black or shades of grey

    August, 2019

    Black carpet tiles increasing in popularity and grey remains on trend   In this article, we consider why carpet tiles are perfect solutions for office…

    Making carpet tiles work harder colour as a path finder

    Making carpet tiles work harder

    July, 2019

    Ideas on how to make carpet tiles work harder   We consider ways companies can make carpet tiles work harder and create additional benefits beyond…

    art deco design cubism

    4 ways carpet tiles can embrace the art deco revival

    July, 2019

    Art deco - making a come back   Popularised between the years of 1924 and 1940, art deco is an art movement that utilises bold…

    Carpet tiles used creatively

    How to be more creative with carpet tiles

    July, 2019

    Ways to be creative   If you are looking for ways to be more creative with carpet tiles, look no further! From zoning areas to…