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    Practical Design Ideas

    Our Practical Design blogs are filled with great advice on the topics design professionals and project managers want to know more about. We like to think we have struck the perfect balance between design inspiration and practical tips – why not see for yourself.

    Workplace Neon used for wayfinding in office

    Advantages and disadvantages of carpet tiles

    June, 2019

    Considerations for and against choosing carpet tiles   Carpet tiles are the perfect option for commercial premises due to their ease of maintenance, durability and…

    checking phone is a distraction to deep work

    3 Office Design Features to Facilitate Deep Work

    June, 2019

    Deep work takes productivity to the next level   A look at how the design of your office space can influence what Cal Newport calls…

    Bright flooring for a creative space

    Use flooring to promote creative thinking

    June, 2019

    Simple ways to ensure a more creative environment   Whatever your commercial flooring needs, you ideally want a solution that will capitalise on your team's…

    sweets on wall sense of fun makes an office productive

    Interior design hacks for a more productive office

    June, 2019

    Practical design techniques to keep a workforce productive.   Busy office managers, business owners and facilities managers are always trying to find ways to make…

    Flower on beach representing summer

    Bring summer into interior office design

    June, 2019

    How to make summer last all year with your office design   The feeling of summer can help wellbeing within your office. Here are ways…

    Great office design with Momenta Argento vinyl flooring

    The importance of wellbeing in interior design

    May, 2019

    Here at Duraflor, we're celebrating our 100th blog post. As such, we'd like to talk about a topic so many of our posts have included…

    man on floor tripped on cables

    6 common causes of office injuries and how to avoid them

    May, 2019

    Careful planning mitigates office injuries. The office might not be considered one of the most dangerous places to work, but there are still some risks…

    Freedom Storm on floor at London Office

    6 essential considerations when purchasing office carpet tiles

    May, 2019

    Carpet tiles are an excellent flooring option for any office, thanks to their ability to provide insulation, absorb noise, and their ease of maintenance. The…