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    Practical Design Ideas

    Our Practical Design blogs are filled with great advice on the topics design professionals and project managers want to know more about. We like to think we have struck the perfect balance between design inspiration and practical tips – why not see for yourself.

    Axis flooring with wooden furniture office design trends

    Office Design Trends 2020

    April, 2020

    What are the office design trends for 2020   We have taken a look at the office design trends that were prevalent for 2020 and…

    Freedom Storm carpet tile a sustainable office solution

    The sustainable office

    March, 2020

    How to create a sustainable office   Here we explore measures to create the sustainable office, including reducing waste, increasing recycling, improving energy efficiency, and…

    Office with pops of colour on desks

    Reasons to update office décor

    March, 2020

    There are some really good reasons to update office décor   Replacing office décor can be expensive. And most office furniture and décor can last…

    Colour trends interior design classic blue

    Colour trends classic blue and the power of play

    March, 2020

    Create workplace joy with Pantone Classic Blue 2020, playful use of colour, and hints of the outdoors   It's official! Playful use of colour, texture…

    Freedom Storm using antron yarn

    Best floor coverings for raised access floors

    March, 2020

    Which coverings are best for raised access floors?   In truth we have already covered this off in a previous article on the benefits of…

    Good office design can increase productivity

    4 ways to increase office productivity

    February, 2020

    Looking at ways to increase office productivity   Productivity is one of the buzzwords for any office manager, but could the layout and design of…

    nature inspired flooring

    Nature inspired flooring to enhance productivity

    February, 2020

    Nature inspired flooring - the benefits to office productivity The wonder of nature is around us in urban green spaces, as well as the English…

    Vinyl Flooring Trends variant tones

    Vinyl flooring trends to expect in 2020

    February, 2020

    Vinyl flooring developments   The technical advances in vinyl flooring in recent years have resulted in highly realistic wood and stone vinyl flooring designs. This…